Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 8: A Review

The campers started week eight with a blast. This week's theme is The Greatest Movie, so Discovery Camp is making an awesome music video that is sure to impress. They even made paper guitars to help them out! Yesterday, Campers played a game of capture the flag against the YWCA that ended with a Discovery camp victory! Campers also played steal the bacon and Indian chief in Field and Activities, and The Pioneers had fun making props to help make their video even greater. Tomorrow, campers will get to choose what movie they want to see by donating school supplies to Christine's Hope For Kids! Each group will also have the chance to show their own movies. It's sure to be an eventful day!
And the Oscar goes to...?
This week, our specialty camp had great camping experiences in Kamping Kids. On Monday, campers made posters demonstrating their knowledge of safety skills. The kids enjoyed eating alongside a beautiful lake while hiking in the Mountain Lake Nature Preserve on Wednesday. Today, campers had a blast at Sahara Sam's indoor water park, where they got to go down thrilling water rides and hang out in the pool, followed by an overnight camp back at the Y. Campers will even get to sleep in tents they set up by themselves! Tomorrow, Kamping Kids will join the rest of the camps for a delicious barbeque to end their fun-filled week.

Olympian Jamie Redman speaks to MVP
As this great week of camp is winding down, the campers at MVP went on a competitive, fun-filled Scavenger Hunt today through the park, using magnified pictures as hints to find the objects on the trail. Once each of the groups met in the park, they settled down and had a picnic with more games to come after lunch. Although this alone sounds great, the MVP kids encountered an even better experience on Wednesday when Olympic Rower, Jamie Redman, came to visit them.  What a day! Tomorrow, MVP will have an all camp barbeque, a perfect ending to another remarkable week of Sports Camp. It is true that we still have one more week of camp, but we are always looking back on the great times we have had throughout the summer. Camp is almost like a journey, and this year, the campers at MVP completed it to the fullest. .

The campers in MVP Specialty Camp, Lacrosse, have been giving their all this week to enhance their skill in the game. Campers learned how to catch, throw, cradle, shoot, and more. Just after one week, the improvement in each and every one of the kids' gameplay has definitely shown. 
The counselor and teacher of the Lacrosse campers says "their progress is already beginning to show. When we started, some of the kids didn't even know how to hold the stick properly, and now they are starting to throw the ball and get into the other fundamentals." This camp has been a great experience for the kids. Campers learned many essential skills, and have truly improved at the sport!

This week, Leadership Academy continued to make an impact in the community and interact with each other. Not only did they help collect school supplies for Christine's Hope For Kids, but today they were also able to discuss gender roles in society, leading to an engaging debate among the campers. Yesterday, campers watched the movie Invictus, which led to an interesting discussion on racial prejudice versus unity within a community. Once again, Leadership also helped volunteer and distribute food at the Crisis Ministry Food Pantry. This summer, our teens have strengthened their roles as leaders and fostered their own social and interactive skills, reinforcing their confidence and individual identity. We at the Princeton YMCA can't wait to see their roles in the community as they develop into accomplished adults.

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