Need to Know

In order to make the most of their time at camp, we hope all of our campers will come every day prepared with the following items:
  • Clothes and shoes appropriate for indoor and outdoor play
  • Come wearing sunscreen, camp staff can help to reapply later in the day!
  • Swim clothes and towel.  You can bring a swim cap and goggles too if you want!
  • Lunch
  • Water bottle 
  • Backpack or tote --no rolling bags please!

Our campers have a busy and varied schedule planned for them every day of camp.  Check your camp calendar regularly for events and field trips that may require additional supplies (lunch money, beach supplies, etc.).  Here's what you can expect every day for your camper: 
  • Camp hours are from 9:00am to 4:00pm.  Extended care hours are included in your camp fees and will include supervised free play from 7:30-9:00am and from 4:00-6:00pm 
  • The Y serves a lot of campers--please clearly label all of your camper's belongings to avoid confusion. 
  • Campers swim every day!  We recommend having a system for your camper to get their swim clothes safely to and from the we have a wealth of lost-and-found swim suits, towels and goggles every summer.  
  • It's hot!  Campers will spend time indoors and outdoors with regular access to restrooms and drinking fountains, but we recommend that you send a refillable water bottle with your camper (labeled!) so they can stay cool and hydrated throughout the day. 
  • If you choose to send a lunch with your camper, please include items that can easily be thrown away.
  • Please remember to only send lunch items that do not require refrigeration or microwaving.  
  • Lunches are available for purchase from the Witherspoon Bread Company for an additional $4.50 per day.  Click here for a Lunch Menu and the form to purchase lunches.

To make camp run as smoothly as possible, we advise against bringing these items and items like them:
  • Food needing refrigeration or to be microwaved
  • Electronics (ie. Nintendo DS or iPod)
  • Cell Phones
  • Personal Sports Equipment
  • Valuables