Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kamping Kids!

This week’s Specialty camp, Kamping Kids went on a hiking trip to Mountain Lake in Princeton. The campers kept their knowledge from last week’s theme “Go Green or Bust” by following the mentality of “Leave no Trace”, while on the trails. “Leave no Trace” involves no littering and making sure to stay on the trail provided. The campers learned not to pick leaves off trees but rather pick them up from the ground so that they won’t harm the tree. Many of the campers have never been camping before so it was exciting for them to try something new and exciting. They started off walking to the lake where they sat and skipped rocks in the water. Camper Albert, 6 years old explained, “I am having a lot of fun right now and I collected a feather, some rocks, leaves and one really cool fossil!” Camper David even brought his own fishing rod to catch fish and sea creatures. After eating at the nice view of the lake, the campers started on their expedition through the woods and came across a creek. It was Camper David that found the first crawfish. The campers were so surprised that everyone ran over to see what it looked like and immediately started looking for their own. By the end of the time that they stayed at the creek they had a whole bucket filled with tadpoles, salamanders and crawfish. They were so happy to take them home and put them in a tank and take care of them. Counselor Mike helped the campers find salamanders and crawfish to put in their own water bottle which the kids really enjoyed. Camper Alex said, “I caught a crawfish and I named it Crish for a mix of craw and fish!” When it was time to come back to the YMCA the kids begged not to leave because they were having a blast. Step by step they made it back to the YMCA in one piece and will never forget their hiking trip!

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