Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 5: Color Wars!

Camp MVP has had an exciting week so far! On Monday they divided into two teams and played a game of hockey with passing drills and shooting drills to make them better players. Counselor Sarah said, “My proudest moment was when two kids helped each other when they didn’t know how to play. I’ve come back to the summer camp for four summers now because I like seeing the kids grow up!” On Tuesday Camp MVP played a competitive game of lacrosse but there was a twist: they didn’t play with a ball, but instead with water balloons. They had teams of two and tossed the water balloon. If it popped they were out but if it didn’t they would move backwards to make the pass more challenging. It was fun for the kids to play with water in an enjoyable new way. Camper Randy, 10 years old said :“I like to play these sports and I am looking forward to playing basketball. From coming to this camp I learned how to play new sports like football. I like it because it is challenging and it teaches me discipline.” 
Counselor Mo likes helping the kids accomplish their goals and making them smile. Today the campers loaded up on the bus to go to Brunswick Zone, to go bowling. They got to bowl with their team of choice and their counselor. Camper Peter got a strike and was very happy to celebrate with his team! Camp MVP loves to go on trips to try new things and play with their friends. On Thursday and Friday MVP are looking forward to playing summer games where they get to choose what game they want to play.

This week’s Specialty Camp is “Kamping Kids”. Counselor Hannah said “Campers not only learn how to survive in the wilderness but also gain a sense of accomplishment from the various activities they are doing this week.” Monday campers collected various living organisms such as: leaves, insects, tree branches and twigs. Campers recorded their findings on charts which they took home. They discussed the similarities the organisms have with humans, like that they need resources on this planet to survive including water, sunlight, oxygen, and food. This activity helped instill in the campers that there are many complex relationships between organisms that keep our planet alive. Tuesday campers went on a hike to Mountain Lakes Open Space Area. This provided both exercise and the opportunity to explore the nature in our backyard! Wednesday campers made tents! Campers made tents using materials they would find in the wilderness such as rocks and large tree branches as well as hemp rope and tarps. The campers were split up into boys versus girls to compete to see which group could make a better tent.

The week has been jam packed with exciting camping activities! Campers also had a crash course in rafting and boating safety in the Y pool. Campers got the chance to throw life preservers into the pool at counselors and reel them in to simulate a rescue. Campers also practiced paddling skills in the pool with a raft. Counselor Aiden said “I love how the kids get so into the rafting drills. Their imagination is a wonderful thing to watch”. Thursday is the overnight in the tents that the campers made. Campers will stay in the wilderness for the night and cook their own meals. Friday campers will learn about nature first aid, and reiterate “Leave No Trace” skills. Kamping Kids is full of eco-friendly activities that not only instill the Y values of responsibility and productivity, but also as the satisfaction of finishing tasks together as a team.
Discovery camp has had a very colorful week. This week’s theme is “Color Wars” campers are divided into teams and compete against each other all week long. On Monday, they played ‘Face the Cookie’. The campers put graham crackers on their foreheads and tried to make them fall into their mouths. Later that day, they also got wet while playing with the slip ‘n slide and the fire truck. On Tuesday, there was an all counselor’s challenge: They had to pop balloons filled with shaving cream by sitting on them. Once all the balloons were popped, they had to search for a poker chip that was put inside the balloon. The first counselor to finish won the challenge, and 10 points for their team. Counselor Emily said: “My favorite game from color wars was sitting on the balloons with shaving cream. The kids really liked it!” Today, the campers went bowling. Camper Jermaine said “My favorite part the week is today, because we’re going bowling! It’s so fun!” Thursday, campers are participating in the world’s record for most people roasting marshmallows at once. YMCA camps from all over the United States and Canada are all taking part in this. Friday, they are watching a movie with the YWCA. Later that day, the Princeton Fire Department’s Fire Truck is coming. This should be really fun and the campers can’t wait! 

Monday, Leadership Academy started a new session. They discussed trust, teamwork, and all of the character traits that go into being a really a great leader. This session they also got a lot of new campers that joined. Counselor Matt said: “I like to meet the new kids that come in.” Tuesday, Leadership participated in color wars. They played ‘This Blows’, where campers blew up a balloon and tried to knock over as many plastic cups as they could before the balloon ran out of air. Today, they also went on the bowling trip. They had a lot of fun playing and helping supervise the younger campers. Thursday and Friday, they plan to start writing skits that will help teach younger kids in the Discovery camp some skills about bullying and safety. Friday, Leadership is going to be in charge of creating and running the games for color wars. Campers can’t wait to see what they’ve got planned!

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