Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Around the World Week 8

This week’s specialty camp, Around the World, has been busy learning new things about new places. The campers made salsa, guacamole, maracas, origami and learned where ice cream was invented.
Earlier in the day the campers visited Mexico and learned how to make salsa dip and guacamole. They learned that the main ingredient in guacamole is avocados and to make it taste better they should add a hint of lime. Camper Bernie said “The chips and dip tasted really good and it was fun making it. We mashed the avocados and put mild sauce in it.” The campers enjoyed their trip to Mexico!
Later in the day, Around the World campers visited China and learned how to make origami. They had to get the perfect folds each time to create what they wanted. They got to choose from a wide selection of colors and from the help of their counselors they could create a lion or giraffe. Camper Alex, said “the best part of origami was playing with my finished product, which was a lion.”
At the end of the day the campers learned all about the most popular thing to eat when it is hot, Ice cream! Everyone was excited to learn about how ice cream is made and where it was invented. They learned that ice cream was first started a long time ago in Rome with sweet snow. Camper Cassidy said “I learned that it takes 12 tons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream.” They also learned fun facts about ice cream such as the biggest ice cream sundae was made in Canada in 1988 and weighed over 24 tons.
The campers are looking forward to the rest of the week when they will be learning about Greece, Ireland, playing Irish/Scottish games and going to the zoo.

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