Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 8

(Week 8) MVP Wednesday Post
The Campers kicked off the week with an intense day of hockey. Some campers did not know how to play the game but they were jumping at the chance to try. Counselor Sarah said, “I was so surprised how quickly they picked up the skills. Within thirty minutes after the instructions were given campers where already attempting to make shots.” It goes to show you MVP Campers are masters of all sports. Camper CJ said,” I have never played hockey before but I really like it now!” Campers also had the opportunity to join the Lacrosse camp! Led by Counselors Mark and Allen, campers were given the experience of a true Lacrosse camp. They focused on shooting goals, cradling, and stick tricks! On Tuesday campers partook in a fierce handball tournament. They were split up into their age groups or “Rookies, All Stars, Challengers, and Champions.” Campers were able to experience what it takes to play in real sport tournaments. Counselor Eli said, “The teams didn’t hold anything back, we gave it our all”.  The tournament ended in a tie between two teams the All-Stars and Champions. The teams continuously scored resulting in a long but joyous game. MVP Camp director Kenny had to stop the game because the campers had to go back to the YMCA. Most of the campers were not upset about stopping the game, They knew they were all winners. Wednesday was basketball day! Campers were able to practice the skills they picked up from the “Hoops Tour”. Skills varied from lay-ups, three point shots, to dribbling skills. Counselor Mark said, “One camper worked on his lay-up the entire morning with encouragement from me. I kept telling him to never give up!” Yet another example of the MVP spirit at work.
On Thursday campers will maintain their high energy with a day of the American pastime baseball. Then they will end the week with one of Mrs. Parkers good old BBQ’s and a waterslide! Make sure you bring you appetite!

Leadership Academy
Leadership Academy has been hard at work preparing for their lemonade stand as well as their bake sale. Leadership has also been working on group bonding to make their relationships stronger. On Monday, the leaders in training worked on their cooperation skills by doing selected exercises chosen by their counselor. They also did an egg drop activity where the campers had to prepare a contraption that would hold the egg and protect it from breaking when dropped, but the catch was that they could only use straws and tape. Counselor Matt said “I was very proud of them, they did a great job coming up with ideas.”
On Tuesday Leadership Academy put flyers all over the YMCA to promote their bake sale which is to raise money for the Strong Kids Campaign. They created different types of posters and flyers to catch everyone’s eye. They worked on preparing their baked goods by dipping pretzels into white, milk, and dark chocolate and topping them with sprinkles. Camper Simon said “I am very excited for the bake sale and it really motivated me to make sure it is the best that we can do.” After all of their hard work they took a break and went to town for lunch.
Today is the day! The bake sale is being held where the parents sign in and out for camp and also the front of the building. There are many treats out there such as chocolate covered pretzels, brownies and lemonade. Leadership Academy has their fingers crossed that it will be a good turn out because they want to help the Strong Kids Campaign. The bake sale will be open until five so come out and support them!

Discovery Camp

This week’s theme is Lights, Camera, Action and the campers are learning the process to making a screen-worthy movie! Discovery Camp is working on making a movie to present on the Family Fun Night! Each group was given the choice to either lip-sync to a song or write their own script to act out a movie. Elijah, a voyager camper, exclaims “We have been preparing for our comedy video this week! I am so excited to continue shooting it and learning more about movie making.” The voyagers are definitely going to try and make their movie a laugh-out-loud experience! Jermaine, a voyager camper, says “The funniest part of camp was when my wig fell off during our Beyonce dance!” The campers can not wait to showcase their work and then sit back, relax and watch “Tangled.”

The beginning of this week for Around the World has been very exciting. On Monday, Specialty campers explored the country Mexico. The campers made their very own maracas out of plastic cups, and then decorated them all by themselves. They painted their maracas and added pompoms to make them look nice. Tuesday, campers decided to explore China, revisit Mexico and learn a little about the making of ice cream. They made their own origami, each camper made a different animal! Camper Cassidy said “I loved doing origami. It was so much fun and I made a lion!” While revisiting Mexico, they did a little bit of cooking. They made guacamole and salsa, delicious! Today, Specialty campers are making pots. Then they’ll be decorating their pots by putting their handprints along the sides. Specialty campers have had a great week so far, and are looking forward to the rest of the week.

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