Thursday, August 4, 2011

Starting off Week 7 at the Y!

Week Seven at the Princeton Y started off with a bunch of fun!  Discovery is celebrating Out at Sea Week, while Camp MVP learned how to play a new, lesser known sport called Disc GolfCamp Chefs got to cook in the Orchard Café, and Leadership started their new session with plans for a fundraiser.

Leadership Academy started a new session Monday and the focus was what they would do for their fundraiser.  Many ideas were given, including a car wash, friendship-bracelet sale, 50/50 raffle, and so on.  Finally, the Academy decided on a bake sale and lemonade stand as their fundraising activity that will take place next week.  After the fundraiser was decided, the Academy focused on Communication skills Tuesday.  With games like “Scategories” and “Telephone”, leaders gained effective communication as well as listening skills.  Leader Olu, 14, sees these skills as especially important.  ”I want to speak publicly in the community someday, and these exercises really help me become better at communicating what I have to say.”  Wednesday, Leadership continued to work on their listening and communicating skills.
Specialty Camp week seven is Camp Chefs and campers are learning all new recipes.  On Monday, chefs started by making strawberry-banana smoothies.  Then later in the day, the campers got to gain a hands-on cooking experience in the Orchard Café with the head cook Hashim.  Six-year-old Jasmine loved cooking in the kitchen.  ”I was so happy that we went to the kitchen!  I really wanted to make pizza this week, and I’m glad we did.  Working in the kitchen was so much fun!”  Tuesday, Camp Chefs began with preparing pasta salad in the morning.  Senior Counselor Jill taught the campers the proper way to wash and cut vegetables, and then gave each a try at slicing a vegetable, of course under her close supervision.  Then, chefs made their own aprons.  In the afternoon, Hashim once again welcomed Camp Chefs into his kitchen to make spring rolls.  The campers had a blast!   Wednesday, Chefs created their own ice pops and cookbooks!
Monday, MVP campers hit the field with some soccer. Campers learned the basics of soccer: passing, dribbling, shooting, and blocking. They learned it all and then incorporated what they learned into an actual game of soccer. Tuesday, campers played some Disc Golf. Disc Golf is another version of regular golf and is played with a Frisbee. The object of the game is to hit the chains on the basket. Today MVP campers tagged along with Discovery campers and also made cardboard boats to race in the pool! They had a lot of fun and can’t wait for the rest of the week.  
  This week’s theme is Out at Sea. On Monday, campers had a Limbo competition and Explorer camper Stephanie won. Tuesday, campers made lighthouses during arts and crafts. Later that day, campers also had a sandcastle building contest and the Explorers won. Today, campers have constructed their own boats using cardboard boxes, duct tape, and garbage bags. Campers worked to think of some ways to make their boat float. Afterwards, campers raced their boats in the YMCA’s swimming pool. Explorers, Voyagers, and MVP Rookies all won today in their races. Meanwhile, counselors are still on the lookout for those Y core values. When asked which camper has been doing an awesome job keeping up with these values, Counselor Danielle knew exactly who to choose. She said that Natalie, an eight year-old Discovery camper, was a great example. When asked what she had done this week, Natalie responded: “When a girl   fell down, I helped her get up.  Then, I found a teacher to help us.  I felt really good about it. ”
The rest of the week looks good!  Today, Discovery is taking a trip to Point Pleasant Beach, while Camp MVP is going to be playing Laser Tag.  Camp Chefs will be making their own special mixing spoons, and at the end of the week will take home the cookbook they made!  Leadership will be heading to Point Pleasant Beach with Discovery.  It will also focus on values and doing the right thing as well as more extensive planning for their fundraiser.

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