Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the Spotlight!

Overcoming Challenges  

Congratulations to Naila from the Navigators for gaining confidence in the swimming pool! With the help of lifeguard Mark, our brave camper finally overcame her fear of the water. “She was afraid to get in at first. She stuck to the side without the other kids. Eventually she was able to understand the general movement of swimming, and I helped her around,” said Mark. “I told myself: kick those legs and kick those feet,” Naila said. She has made much progress so far, and her parents coming to cheer her on certainly helped.
Although she is not fully swimming yet, Mark predicts that she will be able to swim on her own with time and practice. Swimming is an important and challenging skill, so Naila did an excellent job! We couldn't be more proud of her and the rest of our new swimmers here at the Y!

Building Character at the Y
The Princeton Family YMCA would like to report a Random Act of Kindness, committed by none other than MVP camper George. This story begins with a pair of sunglasses: a pair that George received from Director Allen for good behavior. George, who had been working on his behavior, was particularly excited about his prize and couldn’t wait to sport his new shades on such a hot day. His shining demeanor changed, though, when George noticed fellow camper Ismail, feeling sad. Without restraint, or regret, George offered his friend his new prize, instantly raising Ismail’s spirits. When asked why he committed this Random Act of Kindness, George shrugged and said, “He wasn’t feeling great, and I wanted to make him happy.” George has shown some amazing generosity here and an improvement in his behavior, of which we are tremendously proud. At the YMCA, where we look to build character and increase the sense of belonging in a community, we feel just as rewarded by this Random Act of Kindness as George had when he first received his sunglasses.

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