Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 2 in Retrospect

This week was certainly a fast-paced and activity packed one for the YMCA summer camps! On Tuesday, campers got to attend an exciting demonstration by the Princeton Dog Training Club. First, handlers explained the basics of dog-agility and training, and "the most important rule of all: to always have fun with your dog." Next, campers learned about the different training equipment and watched the dogs jump over bars, run throuh tunnels, and weave around poles! The handlers also explained the basics of competition, and gave a walk-through demonstration of a competition course. The campers got to see the dogs run through the course, as well as the handlers, and had the chance to run it themselves! Thanks to the Princeton Dog Training Club, YMCA campers had a great start to their day!

MVP Campers started week two off with some indoor field hockey! Campers enjoyed an intense, but fun, match with counselors. On Tuesday, the kids played, "Run the Gauntlet," a game in which each camper must run across the gym, dodging foam balls. Today, campers played this game again, working on their agility and coordination. MVPer Jack, when asked about his favorite activity so far, said that he loved field hockey and was "eager to get back into the game." Ayah said that her favorite part of MVP was "playing in the gym," and that she is having a lot of fun so far this summer. The little ones at MVP enjoyed ping pong and other games. Jack, Ayah, and the rest of the MVP campers are looking forward to wrapping up a great week at the Y with the all-camp barbeque planned for Friday.

MVP Specialty Camp this week is all about soccer! Campers learned about the basics and worked on passing, shooting, and dribbling with morning drills. In the afternoons they scrimmaged and practiced their technique. Counselors Scott and Ali are impressed with the campers' athletic stamina and particularly proud of Ayah and Elena who have excelled all week!

Discovery Campers continued this week with Wild Wild West themed activities! They participated in a Cowboy Relay Race on Tuesday, that involved running across the field on a hockey-stick ‘horse’, changing into cowboy attire and then racing back. Counselors were very proud to see how active and enthusiastic the campers where in the race.  Campers took a break from the heat with Arts and Crafts, where, with Ms. Carissa, they enjoyed making “Wanted” posters, and Wild West “critters”. “I love making birds and snakes,” says camper Aiden. The counselors had a great time as well, helping the kids with their creations; Emily noted that arts and crafts “is something fun and interesting for all kids.” Thursday continued with active field games, and campers escaped the heat again with some time in the pool. In this heat, counselors remain focused on keeping campers hydrated and protected from the sun.  

Critter U has also had an exciting and educational week. On Monday the campers had a hands-on experience with the touch tanks filled with hermit crabs, Japanese shore crabs, blue crabs, and sea stars. On Tuesday, they watched Sergeant Drew and his K-9 Unit demonstrate how they train and use dogs at the police department. The day's dog theme continued with a meeting with SAVE Animal Rescue. Campers learned about animal safety, how to treat wild animals and how to pet a dog. Ann-Marie and rescued puppy Winnie were a big hit; Ashely was so excited that she exclaimed,  "I'm never going to wash my hands!" Today, Critter U went to the Princeton Public Library, where they researched individual animals, and picked one to "adopt." They hovered over encyclopedias to learn as much as they could, and then made banners of their favorite ones. Peter T chose to adopt turtles, "because they're slow and lazy." Critter U also talked with a representative from the Princeton's Farmers Market, about organic farming, beekeeping, jam-making, and more. Campers listened attentively, asked engaging questions, and even got to taste some organic samples. To end the day, Critter U went to the Petting Zoo! They got to see two goats, Snickers and Oreo, dance and do some tricks, and played with Dinky the Donkey and Myrtle the Sheep.

This week, Leadership Academy found refuge from the heat indoors as they focused on team building and conflict resolution. After shadowing Discovery camp counselors on Monday, they took a Myers-Briggs personality test on Tuesday. Jonathon learned that he is a slight extrovert and a INFJ type personality, and that he might be suited for a career in teaching (although this doesn't mean that he's supposed to be a teacher!). Later, they met with YMCA CEO Kate Bech to discuss their personality test results and social interaction. Today, Leadership Campers worked on their communication skills in a "blind-build" activity. Camper Luke says that this helps them develop sportsmanship and better deal with conflicts. They also watched the movie Invictus, and talked about Nelson Mandela as a conflict manager.

REMEMBER to look for the Cowboy Hat among the photos of our blog! This week's sweepstakes photo has been posted! email us (at princeton with camper's name and location of the Cowboy Hat for a chance to win! The prize to this week is a giftcard to a local eatery!

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