Friday, July 15, 2011

Leadership Academy Week Four

This week Leadership Academy had a great time while continuing to learn the aspects and attributes of being a great leader. On Monday and Tuesday the leaders in training focused on teamwork incorporated with cooperation while trying to turn conflict into collaboration.  The campers discussed Ethics and how to incorporate them into decision making. They also talked about event planning such as a Road Trip in order to demonstrate their ability to use planning skills and how to travel. On Wednesday they took a trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, to learn how to act appropriately in a museum and to learn about many experiments that great people have created. Shifali, 14 said she, “…Liked seeing the different exhibits and seeing new discoveries like the heart exhibit and the bike on the wire.”

Thursday was the day to put everything into action. The kids played games that tested their cooperation skills. One game was trying to flip a towel over to the other side while all the kids were still standing on it. This required the help of their friends and the skills that they have been working on. They took a trip the library to finish up their planning for the Road Trip and Camper Guillermo, 14 said that he, “… liked going into town to eat lunch with my friends and I liked going to the library to work on my road trip project.” They were also learning how to have their voice heard by their peers. They spoke two minutes about what they know how to do and they taught it to their friends. It was a fun and exciting day for them.

Today Leadership Academy will join Discovery Camp for a BBQ and finish up the week with their closing thoughts as a group on everything they have learned!

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