Friday, July 15, 2011

Week Four Discovery Camp

This week Discovery is booming with activities related to their theme of “Go Green Or Bust!” Campers learned about ecology and conservation, with activities focused on recycling, reusing and protecting the Earth’s limited resources.  On Monday the campers created their own haute couture out of trash bags and paper goods for a camp eco-fashion show. They strutted down the runway and showed off all of their hard work. Tuesday was the nature scavenger hunt. The “nature” aspect was searching for forty six nature items such as leaves, twigs, etc. The kids really got into it and would not give up until every item on the list was found.
On Wednesday the musical sensation Mr.Ray came to rock out with the campers and CDC children. The campers were aglow with excitement; their happiness was infectious even the counselors were into Mr. Ray's songs. Discovery counselor Alex says, “I love how the kids are when Mr. Ray comes…it’s great when they dance and sing along”. As a surprise element of his performance, Mr. Ray was upstaged by Explorer Camper Matt, who serenaded the crowd. Mr. Ray was so astonished by Matt’s talent that he gave him his business card and said, “I can help you if you want to be a singer”!
The week ended with one of Ms. Parker’s famous potluck BBQs and a waterslide! The fun keeps rolling with next week’s theme of Color Wars.

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