Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday Discovery Camp

Today Discovery Camp has been busy finishing their videos that will be presented to their parents tomorrow night at the Family Fun Night. They had to use their creative minds to convey a movie that would make people laugh.  Counselor Emily said “I really liked filming with the Pioneers because they are so adorable and it was fun. Our video is priceless!”  After all their hard work filming, they got to cool off in the pool and had a whole hour of free swim. Throughout the day the campers played indoor games such as baseball , dodge ball, tag and had an arts and crafts project that involved making hand prints in plaster. Camper Marki said “ I loved playing basketball with Matt, Jermaine and my other friends. It makes me a better player.” For their all camp activity the campers will be making movie posters to give a snippet of their movie. Tomorrow is a fun packed day! There will be a BBQ for the campers and it’s also the Family Fun Night where the campers will début there movie and watch Tangled with their family outside.

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